Bonaparte Hotel

Bonaparte Hotel


About the project


To be successful, small and medium-sized businesses are forced to find their niche in highly competitive markets. The Hotel Bonaparte, located in Toulon, France, is one of the prime examples of this strategy. With a focus on the “family weekend getaway” segment, Hotel Bonaparte offers a unique experience to its clients. Following their strategy and customer expectations, the hotel's stakeholders completed interior redecoration and raised service standards to the luxury level. The change in positioning required a complete review of online promotion and creating a new site.


Approaching the designing and framing of the site pages, the NutsDev team proposed to focus the attention of visitors on key benefits: the location of the hotel, surrounded by historical monuments, and the atmosphere of a cozy, carefree holiday. When developing the site, the highest quality media was used, which reflects premium service and reveals all aspects of a comfortable stay in a hotel. A well-designed user flow allows the visitor to quickly and easily select and book a room.

Bonaparte Hotel

Home page

Home page

Rooms page

Rooms page

Contacts page

Contacts page


Bonaparte Hotel

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